Eduardo Santamarina Height

Mexican film, theater, and television actor, Eduardo Santamarina is known for his leading roles in many telenovelas.

About Eduardo Santamarina's Height

Eduardo Santamarina is a big man -- tall and with broad shoulders and long arms. He is especially tall for someone from Mexico -- not to say there aren't tall people there. In fact, Eduardo would be big in any part of the world.

Now Eduardo looks a bit like Antonio Banderas, who is 5 feet 8½ inches tall, but Eduardo is a much larger man. His height is listed as 6 feet 3 inches all over the internet but on his IMDb resume it is 6 feet 3¼ inches (191 cm) instead. The IMDb listing is very precise -- perhaps it is a barefoot measurement?

This means Eduardo Santamarina is just as tall as someone like Chris Hemsworth and slightly taller than Ben Affleck and even The Rock (both of whom are around 6'2½"). Though The Rock was also 6'3" in his youth (not 6'5").

From what we have seen of Eduardo Santamarina, he must have been model material in his youth.

The height of Eduardo Santamarina is

6 ft 3¼ in (191 cm)

Eduardo Santamarina posing in front of a height chart background
Big Eduardo Santamarina