Tommy Lee Jones Height

I think that no matter how much you don't like yourself or the drama of your life you can still find some comedy in it.

~ Tommy Lee Jones

Great actor, Tommy Lee Jones is known for his powerful performances in great movies like The Fugitive, JFK, Lincoln, Natural Born Killers, The Client, Batman Forever, Double Jeopardy, No Country for Old Men, Men in Black franchise, and many others.

About Tommy Lee Jones' Real Height

People may not have realized this but Tommy Lee Jones was a 6 feet tall man in his prime. Actually, he was even taller than that.

Tommy Lee Jones' height used to be listed as 6 feet ¼ inches early in his career. After taking a careful look at Tommy, we can see that it must be correct as he looked very close in height to people like Harrison Ford (6ft ½ in), Kevin Costner (6'1"), or even Will Smith (6'1½), and Jim Carrey (6'2").

Though now close to his 80s, Tommy must be shorter than he used to be. People lose height with age --  mainly due to compression and dehydration of the spine. 

The height of Tommy Lee Jones in his prime was

6 ft ¼ in (184 cm)

Tommy Lee Jones posing in front of a height chart background
Big actor -- Tommy Lee Jones

Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They're underused.

~ Tommy Lee Jones