Chad Smith Height

 Music doesn't solve your problems..but allows you to dance all over them.

~ Chad Smith

American musician, Chat Smith is known as the drummer of the rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers hard rock supergroup Chickenfoot.

About Chad Smith's Real Height

Is Chad Smith related to Will Ferrell? Of course not! Then why does he look so similar to Will? Well, Chad Smith is actually even more like Will Ferrell than most people would think.

Guess what – they both are around 6 feet 3 inches tall as well...

The height of Chad Smith is

6 ft 3 in (190.5 cm)

Chad Smith with Will Ferrell
Chad Smith with Will Ferrell

Playing well with others is important - not being too flashy, just keeping good time and of course, coming up with cool beats. A good snare drum, kick drum, and high hat. Just getting good at hand feet coordination.

~ Chad Smith