Paul Anka Height

I've lived a life that's full, I traveled each and ev'ry highway, And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

~ Paul Anka

Famous singer, songwriter, and actor, Paul Anka is best known for his signature hit songs like "Diana", "Lonely Boy", "Put Your Head on My Shoulder", and "(You're) Having My Baby".

About Paul Anka's Real Height

You already know that Paul Anka is short but you probably want to know how short is he exactly?

Paul Anka’s height is listed all over the internet as 5 feet 6 inches.

Though from what we have seen of Paul, like when he is standing next to Frank Sinatra (5’7½”), Paul McCartney (5’10½” in his prime), Michael Jackson (5’9”), and Elvis Presley (6”), we think there is room for the possibility that Paul might have been a bit shorter than that.

But now in his 80s, he is definitely shorter than he used to be.

The height of Paul Anka in his prime was

5 ft 5 in (165 cm)

His present height is

5 ft 4 in (162.5 cm)

Paul Anka with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift
Paul Anka with Ariana Grande (5 ft ½ in) and Taylor Swift (5 ft 9½ in)

Once you realize that you're in something that you've always wanted and you don't want to lose it, you behave differently. And that means integrity, professionalism, knowing what's right from wrong, and still making choices that you probably wouldn't have made.

~ Paul Anka