Fabio Lanzoni Height

Italian-American actor, and fashion model, Fabio Lanzoni is a model for a reason. Tall, good-looking, and with long hair. Not many women could have resisted a young Fabio – and that’s why he has been on the cover of countless romance novels.

About Fabio Lanzoni's Real Height

There was a time when Italians were one of the shortest people in Europe -- even as recently as 1959 when Fabio was born.

So Fabio would have been considered seriously tall in his country in his youth.

Fabio’s official height is 6 ft 3 in. From what we have seen of him, we think he looks like it. We think Fabio in his youth must be just as tall as Chris Hemsworth.

The height of Fabio Lanzoni is

6 ft 3 in (190.5 cm)

Fabio Lanzoni standing with Jason Momoa and Tom Cruise
Fabio Lanzoni standing with Jason Momoa (6'4") and Tom Cruise (almost 5'8")