Andrew Yang Height ~ How Tall is He Really?

"Overnight successes are generally years in the making. And most progress is made in isolation, far from the public eye."

~ Andrew Yang

When American entrepreneur, Andrew Yang was asked on Twitter about his height - "hopefully [you are] taller than Lincoln so you can claim the tallest president title in 2020?" (during the 2020 president election). Mr. Yang replied, "Nah 6 feet or so, Lincoln’s title is safe."

We are sure that Mr. Yang is around the 6 feet mark - but on the wrong side of it (lower side). For the first thing, he doesn't look like a 6" tall person, and after comparing him to people like Barack Obama (6'1"), Pete Buttigieg (5'8"), Joe Biden (5'11.5" now, peak 6'0.5"), we think that he is really somewhere between 5'10" to 5'11".

The height of Andrew Yang is 

5'10.5" or 179 cm

Andrew Yang height comparison with Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk
Andrew Yang with Jeff Bezos (slightly below 5'8") and Elon Musk (6'1.5")

For reference, here is the average human height around the world.

Country Male Female
Indonesia 5'4" 4'11"
India 5'5.5" 5'0.5"
Mexico 5'6.5" 5'1.5"
China 5'6.5" 5'1.5"
Japan 5'7.5" 5'2.5"
South Korea 5'8" 5'3"
Brazil 5'8" 5'3"
Russia 5'9" 5'3.5"
Spain 5'9" 5'4"
France 5'9.25" 5'4"
United States 5'9.25" 5'4"
United Kingdom 5'9.5" 5'4"
Canada 5'10" 5'4.5"
Australia 5'10" 5'4.5"
Germany 5'10.5" 5'4.5"
Sweden 5'11" 5'6"
Netherlands 5'11.5" 5'6.5"
Dinka people of South Sudan 6" 5'7"

Data collected more or less from Wikipedia and some other sources. Expect a slight discrepancy from real life.

“Grit, persistence, adaptability, financial literacy, interview skills, human relationships, conversation, communication, managing technology, navigating conflicts, preparing healthy food, physical fitness, resilience, self-regulation, time management, basic psychology and mental health practices, arts, and music—all of these would help students and also make school seem much more relevant. Our fixation on college readiness leads our high school curricula toward purely academic subjects and away from life skills. The purpose of education should be to enable a citizen to live a good, positive, socially productive life independent of work.”

~ Andrew Yang