Tim Cook Height - Photographic Height Comparison

Apple’s big man, Tim Cook is always taking the company to new heights. His job is probably a hard one, if only because he will always be compared to the great Steve Jobs, no matter how good of a job he does himself. 

About Tim Cook's Height

Tim Cook is a little above the average height of Americans, though, we hate to say that, even in height division he comes a bit below Steve Jobs, who was six feet tall.

The real height of Tim Cook is 5'11" (180 cm)

Tim Cook with Mark Zuckerberg (5'7.5" or a solid 5'7"), Jeff Bezos (almost 5'8"), Bill Gates (almost 5'10"), Sir Richard Branson (5'11") and Elon Musk (6'1.5")
Tim Cook with Mark Zuckerberg (5'7.5" or a solid 5'7"), Jeff Bezos (almost 5'8"), Bill Gates (almost 5'10"), Sir Richard Branson (5'11"), and Elon Musk (6'1.5")

Here is the average human height around the world for comparison.

Average human height around the world