Mark Zuckerberg Height - Photographic Height Comparison

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most famous people in the world - though probably not for the right reasons. He probably hates all this attention anyway. He is just a normal guy with the mission to reunite all the long-lost friends. What's the harm in that? Note: Mark Zuckerberg is a real human being.

About Mark Zuckerberg's Height

Mark Zuckerberg is a little bit below the average height of Americans, but what does he care? He controls all the data. 

Mark Zuckerberg with Jeff Bezos (almost 5'8"), Bill Gates (almost 5'10"), Tim Cook (5'1"), Sir Richard Branson (5'11") and Elon Musk (6'1.5")
Mark Zuckerberg with Jeff Bezos (almost 5'8"), Bill Gates (almost 5'10"), Tim Cook (5'1"), Sir Richard Branson (5'11"), and Elon Musk (6'1.5")

Here is the average human height around the world for comparison. It looks like Mark is around the average height of the Japanese people.

 Average human height around the world